tumbled had morning amid word
lehman brothers is filing for
chapter 11 bankruptcy.
what more fallout can we expect
on this from the economy and
stocks at home?
>> there is a near term fallout
and mid to longer term fallout.
the near term is we are looking
at a severe selloff today.
the u.s. stock market under
pressure as people worry about
the ripple effects of the lehman
>> that was seven years ago
>> our top news story this
morning, overseas markets
tumbled after lehman brothers
filed bankruptcy.
what can we expect from this?
>> there's a near-term fallout
and a mid to longer term
we're looking at a severe
selloff on global markets today.
people worry about the lehman
brothers ripple effect.
>> we know what that ripple
effect was when they collapsed
seven years ago today.
we now know it was the first
smoke alarm for the fire that
basically burned down the entire
global financial system that