some pros.
andrea mitchell, my friend, john
ralston, and "the nation."
joan walsh writing for a real
and eddie rendell joins us from
governor rendell, i'm so glad to
have you on on a debate tonight,
because you are a debater.
hillary clinton has three
challenges tonight.
this endless push for her to be
humanize herself, whatever that
means, from her corner people.
number two, take down bernie a
little bit, at least stop his
and three, keep biden out of the
can she do a triple tonight?
a hat trick?
>> sure, i think she can.
not saying she will, but she
certainly can.
she has a good sense of humor,
which she showed on all of these
tv shows the last few weeks.
she should employ that a little
that helps humanize her.
secondly, she comes across in
these debates, and you remember
in 2008, chris, against probably
the greatest debater in public
speaking, if politics in our
lifetime, she held her own in
2008, for sure.
she comes across as very