we have not had a state
department briefing since this
administration took over.
secretary tillerson wants to get
comfortable with his own people.
by cleaning house as they did so
precipitously at all levels
they're kind of left home alone.
he was not president at two
heads of state meetings not with
prime minister netanyahu, not
with prime minister abe of
the state department has been
shut out of the trump meetings.
>> that's why people around the
world are questioning the
message the vice president is
trying to deliver.
you can't keep saying here is
what our policy is if they don't
see you asart of the policy
process and state department
briefings are so important to
the process.
i went through a number of
transitions, make clear what the
new secretary wants and
president's policy is.
unless you're out there every
day, things build up and become
huge problems.
>> tillerson is the first