what i mean by that is that
barack obama when he took action
in libya or in december 2015
when he aligned 34 islamic
nations to join other european
allies in attacking isis and
bombing them in just as
spectacular a raitt raid as the
attacks that you have been
showing frequently in that
department of defense clip.
president obama made sure he had
both international and regional
support for the action.
he made sure that there was an
assessment that the deployment
of force would have an impact,
and that the, you know, that the
ripple effects of this were
contained and looked at.
and that we had allies wrrking
with us.
that isn't the case here.
donald trump has certainly sent
a signal that he can take a step
unilaterally without
coordinating with allies,
without necessarily doing -- and
take an action.
and we are going to have to see
down the road where that
unilateral impulse, that nudge
is perceived like countries like
china, he is sitting with xi