the only thing that they are
waiting for is kim jong-un to
make a political decision of
when to actually set the thing
so at this point --
>> and let me just get that --
sorry, to interrupt you sh, butt
me get that straight.
are you saying that they have a
nuclear weapon that is ready and
set to go?
>> yes.
>> specifically not --
>> and yes, with the telemetry.
>> and yes, it is 15 or 20
weapons at at this particular
time, but we also thinkidly inc
producing enriched uranium to
give them perhaps two or three
or fourer or five weapons a
so they are in a position to
produce, develop the weapons at
an industrial scale.
>> so what do we know about the
how far can they go perhaps to
the united states?
>> well, with a missile, i think
that they have got at least
three missiles that can reach
the lower 48 states, and the