spent in hanoi in the hanoi
hilton during which he was
tortured and given the
opportunity to leave captivity
earlier and he wouldn't do it
and it came out.
so it was not only the courage,
but most of all is this.
anyone who had been through that
experience for five and a half
years, you would expect
afterwards to be justifiably
angry, they wouldn't be able to
operate in life in a way that
all of us would like to see.
the thing about john mccain was
despite that experience this was
someone who was gracious, in was
someone civil who did have a
sense of proportion about life
and maybe the best example of
that, i think, was as you know
andrea and you reported and
we've talked about this too, in
the 1990s when there was a
movement to restore relations
with vietnam, another kind of
person who had gone through
5 1/2 years in the hanoi hilton
would have said absolutely not.
i'm a holdout.
last country on earth we should
restore relations with is