those moments mattered and we're
still sorting through which ones
meant the most tom people.
i'll tell you that moment with
amy klobuchar, first of all has
stood out and has gotten a lot
of people talking about how she
handled it and how that might
bode well for whatever ambitions
she has in the future.
i think that a lot of the
women -- i've not spend to lisa
murkowski or susan collins about
this but i've spoken to other
women senators who watched that
happened and were just
absolutely blown away by the
audacity that it took.
i think for many of us women who
are sometimes having
conversations in public with
men, you know, we're familiar
with the phenomenon and for
somebody who was trying to stlit
-- it is there and convince
america he's someone that looks
out for women was not a good
>> it really would have been, i
think, far better for him, if he
had done that to dick durbin or
done that to pat leahy or done
that to a man.
wasn't a good look, especially
since amy...