or not, passed.
joining me is north carolina's
democratic state senator, jeff
san fernando jackson, great to
have you with us this evening.
where do things go from here now
that republicans managed to
drive this thing through?
>> it's all on us now in the
north carolina state senate.
you've got 50 state senators, 21
of them are democrats, you need
all 21 to sustain a veto.
so it's goal line defense time.
we can't let them get this past
us because if we do, it means
you can forget about medicaid
expansion which helps 500,000
people in the state, creates
40,000 jobs, saves 1,000 lives.
forget about giving teachers the
raise they deserve.
republicans will push through
their sixth corporate tax cut
while this sounds like
procedural gamesmanship, the
stakes are real, we're talking
about real lives here.
>> i want to drill in on an
important part, the procedure
and the process.
there's been back and forth in
the media over the details of
why so few democratic...