in really big states like
i mean right now in terms of the
number of people killed by this
thing, we have by far the worst
outbreak in the world.
after us, it's the uk.
after the uk, it's brazil.
this weekend the far-right
president of brazil ordered that
that country is going to stop
reporting its total case numbers
and its total deaths.
the president of brazil already
fired his first health minister,
who had said that brazil was
going to need to do social
he then ousted the next health
minister because that one
wouldn't go along with his
trumpian claims that
hydroxychloroquine and
chloroquine would be miracle
cures for this thing.
now the president of brazil has
just installed a guy in charge
of the health ministry who is
just a random guy from the
military, who has no health
background whatsoever.
and he is shutting down the
national reporting in brazil of
how many people have it and how
many people are dead.
he's just not letting those
numbers out...