and people know me in the state.
they know that when joyce
elliott shows up, i show up for
everybody, not just some people.
and that is a big departure from
my current opponent.
i've worked in arkansas, we were
the first southern state to
expand medicaid.
we couldn't do that without
working across all lines.
i was a part of a group of
bipartisan legislators who
created a world class pre-k
system that we had not had.
and when we move together, we
can do these kind of things such
as the expanded health care for
300,000 people and right now we
have somebody this congress who
is trying to take that away.
black women have had to work and
be multitaskers in ways that
others have not even thought
and this is a voice that needs
to be in congress.
suppose i were a person there