great to be with you.
wasn't it refreshing listening
to anthony fauci earlier?
science is back.
science-based policy is now
and we saw, as you just alluded
to, president biden announced
the boldest climate plan in
history yesterday.
so we are so close to finally
seeing the actions that are
but we still encounter
now, the old climate war was the
effort by fossil fuel interests
and those promoting their agenda
to try to discredit the science,
to discredit the scientists, to
deny that climate change is
well, that's not possible
anymore because we can see the
impacts playing out in realtime.
it truly is a crisis.
it is an emergency.
and so what the forces of
inaction, the inactivists as i
call them in the book, they
haven't given up.
they're still trying to prevent
our transition off fossil fuels
towards renewable energy but
they're using other tactics,
trying to divide us, getting us
fighting with each other, finger
pointing over our individual