members of congress too.
congresswoman veronica escobar
represents the district that
encompasses ft. bliss.
today she visited the base
housing refugees to see the
start of the resettlement
operation firsthand, and she
joins us now.
veronica escobar, democrat of
congressman, it's nice of you to
make time.
i know it's been a long and
tense day already.
thanks for being here.
>> rachel, thanks so much for
having me.
there's such an incredible,
positive, hopeful story to tell,
and i'm so happy to be on your
show to tell it.
>> well, tell me about what the
american people should know
about what's happening at ft.
bliss, what you saw, and sort of
the scale of the operations
>> i literally just got home
about an hour ago.
what i saw filled my heart with
tremendous hope and pride.
i had the opportunity to thank a
number of soldiers, troops whose
mission it is to clear land, to
do everything within their power
to provide humanitarian support
for who they are calling...