of a michael cohen.
so, david pecker, there's no
surprise, now, why they opened
with david pecker as their first
they started with a bang, and
the effects of that bang are
still being felt now in closing
but, i really believe, we're
getting to the area that the
prosecution really needs to
shore up.
i believe they have proven
beyond a reasonable doubt that
cohen paid stormy daniels.
i don't think anyone disagrees
with that.
i think they've proven beyond a
reasonable doubt that cohen was
there's no dispute there.
i think where you get into the
difficulty are concepts like the
intent to defraud, and whether
that intent to defraud included
whatever included means, and an
intent to promote or to conceal
some other crime.
i think now we're getting into
the areas that the prosecution
knows, they need to shore up,
if, for no other reason then
this is a novel application of
the law.
anyone who says they have
experience with this particular
application of the law...