it's michael baumgartner in
washington state.
it's pete hoekstra in michigan.
it's tom smith.
it's todd akin in missouri.
it's josh mandell in ohio.
seven senate candidates in these
high-profile states hold that
same position.
here's how josh mandell of ohio
reacted today when he was
confronted with richard
mourdock's feelings about god's
will and rape victims.
>> he said that, i think, even
when life begins in the horrible
situation of rape, that this is
something that god intended.
is that something that you would
denounce or --
>> i think i would want to see
his comments -- is there a video
of it?
>> it was in a debate last
>> yeah, i think i would want to
see the video or see the debate
before commenting on that.
>> but it's true that you do not
have an exception when it comes
to abortion?
you're pro-life in all cases,
even --
>> i think it's important to
protect the life of the mother
and, you know, i'm proud to be