this is b about strategy.
tell robert e. lee, the whole
thing about running up the hill
into gunfire, bad idea.
lee would say, you just hate the
south, my friend.
this is not about a love of
this is about being dumb or
>> oh, no.
>> if you talk to republicans
and conservatives who supported
ted cruz from the beginning they
were banking on the president
they thought since he put a
delay on the employer mandate if
they pushed him into a corner
and got up against the deadline
he would back down.
he said he won't back down.
ron, two weeks from today we hit
the debt ceiling.
what changes between now and
if the president won't move and
it doesn't look like republicans
in the house or ted cruz and his
group in the senate will move.
now they are talking about
attaching entitlement reforms
and reforms to the tax code to
raising the debt ceiling.
what changes in the next two
>> i don't know.
i'm afraid they will send us
over the cliff.
this is not...