this is why you see interest
groups like the walton
foundation, famously anti-union,
supporting money into this
ballot measure to pass it.
so what you really see here is
at the top line, a progressive
effort to raise revenue, but
underneath, the devil is
potentially in the details where
some of that money goes to one
of the ring wings big project
and that is to take money out of
the school system.
>> we have seen a lot of
acceptance for the fact that we
saw a lot of success in the mid
2000s, arizona, colorado,
florida, missouri, nevada,
oregon, washington, all raising
the minimum wage through state
ballot initiatives.
why are we not getting as many
states doing that in the last
two years?
>> the context for those raises
in the mid 90s is the fact that
the federal minimum wage had
remained from $5.60 an hour.
congress had only voted three
times in the last 30 years to
raise it.
so when it stays flat for that