happened there what i'm saying is that environmental issues are going to stop these
oil companies. no i don't know i don't think they are i mean the exxon
valdez was
a tanker running aground in alaska i mean that's quite different from drilling for
oil in the gulf of mexico or anywhere else but what was so shocking about that
report that came out i mean the only real report that's come out was done by b.p.
itself so far we'll get
a raft of other reports but the self admitted this huge litany of problems
and b.p.
is one of the top oil companies in the world the rigs that they hired trans ocean
owns it they're the top per rig owner in the world and halliburton these are very
very blue chip companies and they got it horribly wrong in very many ways and
certainly i have got enormous reservations about the likes of cairn energy which is
drilling off the coast of greenland at the moment. you know there aren't all the
vessels available there if something goes wrong that they were able to...