on real problems it's a let's also shine
a light on idaho they're just the latest state to wage
a war against the woman's uterus and yes i said it uterus the new bad word
according to the g.o.p.
idaho state houses created an anti-abortion law where they want to protect all
fetuses even those conceived by rape or incest because get this it's not to be this
is fault oh but rape is the woman's fault are you people craig. easy idaho
republican state representative brant crane made this statement to his fellow
legislators he said the hand of the almighty was at work his ways are higher than
our ways and he has the ability to take difficult tragic horrific circumstances and
then turn them into wonderful examples so if
a woman gets raped in you want to tell her that god wanted it that way one hundred
three the generalize all instances of difficult tragic and horrific circumstances
as an opportunity to become wonderful examples is unjustified to say the least but
you know what if you want to...