title. meanwhile the best you ice hockey players from russia have taken on up and
coming star in canada in an exhibition match but it wasn't much of
a contest in moscow with the host side called the red stars enjoying
a thumping nine to win constantine pathak off watched it. the red stars faced an
all star team of the british columbia hockey league and if an opponent where is
a maple even his jersey is strong rivalry can be expected no matter what league
they're playing in it was. a great opportunities you play international hockey i
know the russians like team is a highly highly skilled team and i think it's
a real wake up call for
a guy standing stand that when it's russia canada you're going to see the best no
matter what meanwhile the hose just returned from a tour to pool and with
a win and
a defeat and the russians produced an electric sword breaking through and dominating
throughout the game really know what to expect. i think the spirit game we kind of
got caught off guard....