a comedy hour case in point is gretchen carlson crazy question about the supposed
war on christmas and that's why we're giving her tonight's tool time award. now the
pentagon and its super secret of division darpa had been working on another
unmanned aerial device and they're very proud of their baby the falcon hypersonic
technology vehicle two so when the defense department tested their newest project
they wanted to make sure that everybody knew about it. the defense department plans
the second test for its super fast aircraft that can fly at
a blistering speed of thirteen thousand miles per hour or twenty times the speed of
sound if everything goes as planned the pentagon would be gifted with
a lightning fast to be a goal capable of delivering
a military strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour to give you that's
right this bad boy boasts all sorts of stats that would just make your jaw drop
tell darpa was so confident it even tweeted the entire testing process except the...