a low in welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle
the nobel peace prize winner and his drones the recently leaked memo on the obama
administration's use of drones has shocked many in bewildered others it begs more
questions than answers it would appear the white house is acting as judge jury and
executioner obama can kill anyone anywhere without any oversight or accountability
to cross-talk obama and his drones i'm joined by no sharkey in london he is
a professor of artificial intelligence and robots at the university of sheffield
and chairman of the international committee for robot arms control in
charlottesville we have david swanson he is an author and radio host who works for
roots action dot org all right gentlemen crosstalk rose in effect that means you
can jump in anytime you want and i very much encourage it you know we've been told
that obama's drone policy is i will quote legal ethical and why do you
agree with that because it's stored in...