all along the fed will never taper it was
a hoax from the way in the very beginning but then you don't become the greatest
hedge fund manager in history without duping other market participants first. to
execute trades based on mark manipulation and trading on inside information do you
. know it would appear that the fed as you have said many times all along many of
our guests have actually said is that the fed is like
a hedge fund which apparently is something that warren buffett agrees with and
thinks is
a great thing the federal reserve is the greatest hedge fund in history says warren
buffett the eighty two year old who has led berkshire hathaway for more than four
decades hailed the fed's ability to make money from bond purchases as
a result of quantitative easing which in five years is more than tripled its
balance sheet to more than three point six trillion dollars the fed is the greatest
hedge fund in history he said yeah right ok it's
a four trillion dollar hedge fund so if...