pop we like everything to be. easy easy profits right and we saw
a bit of this psychology in this first headline here tweeter changes stock symbol
after twitter confusion so tweeter is
a home entertainment company which is bankrupt and people confused it for the stock
symbol of twitter because twitter is it will be t w t e r this company is t w t r q
so twitter which doesn't trade at all many days and often for less than
a penny when it does rallied on huge volume friday some investors mix it up with
twitter which last week revealed plans to raise that to one billion dollars and
a public offering you will list under the symbol t w t e r so shares rose up to two
thousand two hundred percent at one point and fourteen point four million shares
traded camping on the theme of pink let me add
a little anecdotal flavor to this story when i was working as
a stockbroker these types of stocks that were illiquid and traded very infrequently
were listed on what were called the pink sheets which...