a place to appear not very likely but then again should we be surprised tensions
between germany and turkey have been building up for months now starting with
germany pulling its military from turkey is airbase and sending it to jordan after
ankara denied german officials
a visit to the big house on the other hand you've got turkey angry with germany for
granting asylum to turkish citizens who allegedly took part in the failed cool of
twenty sixteen and of course girl and also stepped in to stop turkish rallies in
germany to support or want to push for broader powers in
a referendum back in april germany you have no notion of democracy your practices
are no different from the nazi practices of the past my comment that the nazi
comparisons in turkey's part must and is valid without our butts and fortunately we
see that this comparison is haven't stopped and we are not going to allow it. they
would revive gas chambers in concentration camps if they weren't ashamed this is