morgan issuing their big claim but of all the you say the insiders of the
organizations are in revolt jamie dimon their leader has been discredited jamie
dimon their leader has been a known scamps or a penny pincher
a regulatory nightmare somebody who has nickel and dimed america to near death and
a billion dollars of pennies and like some bad superman movie or that other film
office space now it all dovetails nicely into the states rights of arizona saying
you know what we want the business we want the tax revenue crypto is the marijuana
of money you can't smoke it but you can get high off it and they're thinking you
know what we love it we've already got now bought
a next door they're making big bank in the casino business in the bunny ranch with
all the fluffy looking people girls and what not and guys i suppose
a minute think an alarm of revenue to say in crypto is the way forward crypto is
the answer the little digits in the little code or something that will give us...