opposite of oh gosh i'm sorry but she's got goop which is the same stuff in it
that they sell over at info wars. and erectile dysfunction gosh you know
if only they just were able to cure baldness like they were trying to do originally
i mean then we wouldn't need a d woodley because we're just too good looking i saw
a horrible video of donald trump apparently he's like completely bald and has these
weird patches all over his head and they're going over does the greens of his golf
courses did his hair do you know brought in some kind of greenskeeper to come up
with that hair do it i mean if you get lost in there are three are and it's
a two stroke penalty but it makes no sense for the president to look like that as
an outsider to these two groups of hucksters of victims of hucksters right wing
left wing red team blue team you know democrat republican because we've lived
outside the us for so long and then it's quite funny we were mocking the tea party
and and that they were being...