the base.
at the height of joe mccarthy's anti-communist inquisition then president dwight d.
eisenhower delivered
a powerful rebuke to the politics of fear reminding us that quote here in america
we are descended in blood and spirit from revolutionists and rebels men and women
who dare dissent from accepted doctrine as their errors may we never confuse honest
dissent with disloyal subversion and never since the one nine hundred fifty four
speech have those words wrong truer than today as any form of dissent whether it be
a concern for our environment
a passion for defending civil rights and fighting police brutality or even the
slightest aberration from the establishment approved doctrine of foreign policy and
global thinking our cause enough to be blacklisted by the mainstream media and
dragged forth before chief inquisitors inquisition or as robert muller and adam
schiff and for those of the eye of the storm this new age of paranoia and censure
isn't just
a matter of political...