manchester's those students we've got many different universities here manchester
metropolitan university university or so forth northwestern college of music
manchester articulate
a million songs we're told in student population is about one hundred thirty
thousand students which is pretty much one third of the city our campus year it is
almost as big as manchester city center. the division of communications and
marketing communicates everything that's good about the university both internally
and text and it's developing and it's also professionalizing the higher education
sector is probably like behind the commercial sector for some time but it's
catching up very fast our university has its very own starbucks if your interests
are burps if you're into like taking selfies with your starbucks cup and everything
this is pretty much the closest to go if you go to some where you're going to get
a free cookie if you go to mcdonald's you're going to get
a free mc flurry and so on. saw the...