a legal interest in protecting that rights the court found it considered that while
it is for the general assembly to pronounce on the modalities required to ensure
the completion of the decolonization of nourishes all member states must cooperate
with the united nations to put those modalities into effect as regards the
resettlement on the shakers archipelago of mauritian nationals including those of
should go see an origin the court was of the view that this is an issue relating to
the protection of the human rights of those concerned which should be addressed by
the general assembly during the completion of the colonization of mauritians alex
asked leading to go to representative whether this is
a major step forward in their campaign for return or whether the court while
finding against britain i defectively sidestep the issue of the right of return of
the islanders themselves and the like you to be joined by on the patterson press
the next twelve to go garcia the trigger sailors...