not all biolaboratories in ukraine had
a sufficient level of protection; dangerous viruses could
easily come out about it. known from
data published by the ministry of defense, it
follows from them that monkeypox appeared in europe not by
chance denis alekseev in more detail. calculations
of self-propelled artillery mounts malka at a
safe distance of up to 50 km suppress and
liquidate especially protected command posts
mortar positions of the enemy of the parking lot of military
equipment. four hundred
nationalist base areas were destroyed in a day, 53 firing positions, and
these are shots of high-precision missile strikes, the result of the
work of operational tactical aviation
the forces of the russian federation continue a special
operation in ukraine with high-precision
air-based missiles of the russian aerospace forces in the area
of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of bakhmun of the donetsk people of the
republic . near borovikov were destroyed.
launcher zenith missile system...