he remained the speaker of congress, but from now on
it will be johnson who will always be thrown under
the bus, as at columbia university, where
he ended up.
the inhabitants
of the tent city greeted johnson with whist as he descended the steps of the butler library.
the cherished traditions of this university are now
being undermined by radical and extremist
ideologies. they aimed at the backs of the jews
students in the united states. an increasing
number are supporting terrorists. they
persecute jewish students and ridicule
for those who are located on the lawn with
palestinian flags, johnson is a direct
accomplice in the genocide of the palestinians, one of the
packages proposed by the speaker to the republicans and signed by the democratic president,
specifically on military assistance to israel.
columbia students have specific demands; they
want their almamator to stop any
investments in companies that they believe
profit from
netanyahu's foreign policy. in the gas sector....