if you're the kind of person who, and i'm not
talking about anyone in particular here, including myself,
if you're thinking about buying
another 10,000 rounds of 7.62 rounds because,
well... you know, times are turbulent, is there
even a what's the point of buying them? i just
read the book firepower, which
is essentially the history of gunpowder. there you can
trace how war has changed from the times
of spears and locks, to fetel and wheel
muskets, artillery with explosive shells,
when i read this, i realized that we are on
on the verge of major change. you see,
despite all this techno-magic of the us army,
the enemy’s best weapon is
an improvised explosive device, yes, i
noticed that before ieds were planted on the road and
detonated remotely, but now the enemy can
launch an ied directly at you at a speed of 120
miles per hour , at a very low altitude, in
conditions of strong radio suppression,
radio suppression, that is, it is impossible to suppress
the signal, radio...