to something."
>> in rio vista, charlotte
fadipe, "california country tv."
>> so today on "food 101",
we're going to be talking about
mushrooms. here to help us out
is greg corrigan, senior
director of produce and floral
here at raley's. greg, good
to see you again.
>> hey there.
>> so when i wk up to this
display, i have idea what
makes a good mushroom
or a bad mushroom.
so how do i pick a good one?
>> well, the mushroom guys would
argue that they're all good.
but there are some differences,
and you do want to look for
mushros that are nice
and white, and fresh, and not
a lot of decay.
>> ok.
>> so you definitely want
to stay away from the ones
that are turning brown
and looking dehydrated.
they actuay have some of these
new cool packages that are easy
anconvenient for the consumer
to close. so easy to put in
the fridge, store--always want
tore them nice and cold
in the fridge right away, don't
keep them out. um, but se
great varietieto choose from.
>> so these guys--so i walk up