supervisor kim: thank you.
i do appreciate all the comments
that were made.
it is a very complicated issue
and i think that we have gone
through several months trying to
figure out the best solution to
address this loophole in our
health care ordinance.
i want to say a couple of
when this ordinance first came
out, i was on the fence about it
korea i was worried for many of
our small businesses who want to
support in their ability to meet
this legislation hand closing
the loophole.
there are a couple of things
that turned my mind toward
supporting this.
one was meeting with many of the
workers to -- whose businesses
opted into --hra for health
during the workers knowing they
did not have access for funds
and being told that they could
not spend it on basic health
care needs like dental visits,
which was, to me, astounding.