located at delancey street and
>> again we're looking for an
rfp process to identify a
development partner to upgrade
and retenant the bulkhead
building as a top priority for
the port.
this is only an information
item and at this point we're
not asking for an approval on
rfp for pier 38, but we would
like to receive your input, so
it would be incorporated within
the rfp and we would come back
to you at a later point to seek
your approval to issue the rfp.
we believe that the immediate
goal is to make improvements
that will allow the retenanting
of the bulkhead building in
order to bring the bulkhead
building back into economic use
and provide an ongoing revenue
stream to the port.
we would like to get your input
into not only how to structure
the rfp, so that pier 38 is
redeveloped in the short-term
with regards to the bulkhead
building and in the longer term
with regards to what happens to