proud of your support of your
san francisco law library.
>> thank you.
>> next speaker, please?
>> my name is john murray and i
have lived in san francisco
since 1977.
i have been using the law
library since about 1980 or so,
and i use it whenever the need
arises, i am not a lawyer, i am
simply a citizen of this
country and a resident of san
i have had many occasions to
use the library and i don't do
computers and i found that when
i do computers i wind up with
eye strain and headache and
there are many things that i
can do with the book such as
lay the books out on a table,
six or more if i need to and go
back and forthwith the books
and find it an easy way to deal
with smaen subject and
especially the law.
i have represented myself in
overcoming a denial of
unemployment insurance claim.
and a personal injury slip and