james and members of the
commission and miss mcspadden.
i'm a member of the long-term
care coordinating council and i
want to give you highlights of
the meeting that we had last
we have several work groups
that are basically spending
energy and time on a specific
subject-matter. so one of the
work groups is the
communications committee.
we just hired a consultant,
because we got a grant from the
scan foundation, and we hired
rick crane to work with us and
the whole objective of the
grant is to build capacity and
sustainability of the long-term
care coordinating council. so
he will be conducting town hall
meetings with external and
internal stakeholders, and also
start working on the updating
of the website of the council.
we also will be meeting with
the board of supervisors, which
we do every year, when it comes
to budget time.
we'll try to look at some of
the priorities in terms of the
seniors and aging and