and the city parks system still
has some operations, but
two-thirds ever the operation of
central park are under the
so in that case it's a quasi
governmental function.
>> president tsen: let me just
add to that.
i mean, one of the reasons that
we had this tour was to look at
different models tha models tha.
and new york being a city that
is in some ways older in their
management of various parks,
they've had different models.
and i think that what we will
do, bob, with your help and with
your staff's help, is to next
year one of the things that we
should look at very carefully is
what some of those models are
because we have to manage in the
end 290-acres of open space, hw
we are going to do that.
we haven't had a plan brought to
us at the board to look
carefully and very detailed