proudly brought to you by
thane direct.
it's the dirty secret of
the cleaning industry...
all vacuum cleaners begin to
lose suction the very first time
you use them.
dirt can quickly clog
filters and motors, forcing dust
particles and harmful pollutants
back into the air you breathe.
well, say good-bye to cleaning
the old-fashioned way...
and say hello to the all-new
h2o vac turbo.
this revolution in cleaning is
the first and only household
vacuum to utilize aqua-force
water filtration technology.
it's the ultimate, all-in-one,
wet vac, dry vac, air-purifying,
water filtration vacuum system
that never clogs and always
features super suction power.
unlike all other vacuums,
the h2o vac turbo sucks all the
dirt and dust into its sealed
aqua chamber, literally trapping
it underwater so no flying dust
particles can clog the motor.
plus it traps more than 99.97%
of all the unwanted dirt,
dust and harmfulllergens
that other vacuums can spew