but man it will cost me some
>>>there is a price to pay for
rough roads.
forever see the results of all
of those bumps in the roads.
>> one time this lady hit a
pothole and lose control and hit
somebody else.
>> and cost of repairs is
in fact, the same study by the
transportation research groou
estimates baltimore motorists
are spending an extra $603 a
year n repairs because of
broken roadways.
>> it ccst me to do repairs.
repaars now a days, if you are
not going to a back alley
mechanic, you are going to a
reputable dealership they will
charge for you parts and labor.
>> the study blames the
crumblinn roadways on budgee
and until the economy is jump
staated it cculd e a rough road
jeff abell, fox 45 news "late
>> well tonighh a spokesperson3
for the baltimore city
transportation department is
ttking issue with the survey.
saying that it covers the entire