they were handed fetuu dolls.
dolls. herees the doll john
ramsey's three-year-old
grandson picked up. joshh
edmonds of "project gnitee...
a so-called chriitian
organization... gave the dolls
outt ramsey... and many
other parents were not amused.
"when they handed that to him
was-- and so the gentlemaa
there old him it was a 12-
week-old fetus and this is
what you looked like in your
mother's belly.""almost
everyone i've spoken to was
appalled by what transpired."
transpired." edmonds
apologized to those that took
coming up on the early
edition... the growing problem
is áknivesá in baltimore city s.
schools...11:27:41"it's sad
&pthat they feel like they have
to rotect themselves in school"
school"find out how easyyit
that's coming up in minutes...-