plans tt file a complaint with
the baltimore city police
department...following a foo455investigatiin.
-3 investigation.the issue
pade on the officer's facebook
pagg.onn posting rrads..
3 baltimore."the officer also
&pposted a video he recorded on
the job of a car fire.during -the
footage, yyu can overhear
the officer as well as a
ccmmander joking about the 45 lso uncovered
comments tte offfcer posted
that refeernce hhw he looks
forward to flexing his powwrr
to punish a suupect. 3 1:04:11 wwat
might be
insignificant or funny to one
person mayynot be to anothhr
person so were very concerned
about it :17 and were also
concerned about the policing
practices of this officer
-3&pbecause :22 those sentiments
coulddpotentially be leading
to a indset so were concerned
streets of baltimore city :29
:29 ssmeelegal experts tell
fox 455this is a perfect
example of why theepolice
department shouud have a
social media policy.
3 we're findinggout now... that