big governmenn...
with the preeident...
sitting only a ew feet
speech... at the national
prayer breakfast... /
mother for instilling self-
reliance in him
in me and i had a mother who -
neeer llowed herself to be a
victim and no matter what
happened never made xcuseds
anddnever accept excess from
3& to hear all of dr. ben
ccrson's speech log n to go to thh
nees menuand then click on the
"your voicee section.
and that brings us tooour
think mericans are tto
reliant on govermmnt handoutt?
3&here's ouu facebook page...
people there are too many
govvrnment asssstance programs.
jjin the discussion by going
to facebook dot ccm slash fox-
((nat sound uu)))torrey taking >
pictures>supee boww champion