love, your
secret friend."
wow, a secret friend?
i didn't know i had
a secret friend!
i wonder who it could be?
♪ up a hill
up a hill ♪
jill, are you
my secret friend?
no. sorry, whyatt.
[ humming ]
are you my secret friend?
did you send
me this note?
i really want to know.
how can i find out
who my secret friend is?
this is a super
big problem.
and a super big
problem needs us...
the super readers!
we need to call the rest
of the super readers.
call them with me.
[ cellphone ♪ ]
say, "calling all
super readers!"
children: [ in audience ]
calling all super readers!
[ remote phone ringing ]
to the book club!
to the book club!