that hearing isn't over.
district attorney kevin steele
working to explain why the
charges against cosby should
>> nbc 10 live team coverage
inside and outside the
rosemary connors outside the
courthouse now.
what's happening?
>> reporter: well, the latest
witness to testify is delores,
she represents andrea constand,
the alleged victim.
the one who brought the civil
lawsuit against bill cosby.
testifying this afternoon that
she was unaware of any kind of
immunity deal or agreement and
that she believes that one did
not exist.
earlier today the prosecution
made every effort to drive home
their point that an agreement or
promise of this kind should have
been memorialized in writing.
this case, of course, all about
bill cosby.
but today he sat quietly
listening to testimony and
waiting for the judge's ruling
about whether or not this charge
of aggravated indecent assault
should have been filed in the