perfectly...leaving the
trt :10outcue:...nothing you
can do about it now."((myles davis: i still don't believe
that it happened. it's a shock
to me. my heart dropped to
my stomach. there's nothing
you can do about it now.))
and this was the xavier locker
room soon after it was over.
this team looked like it was
poised for a deep run, maybe a
game against notre dame, then
maybe a match up with number
one seed north carolina.there
are a lot of reasons to like
chris mack. he just gave us
another reason, when he said
this, late last night.
trt :20outcue:..make it any easier."((mack: i told our
players if this is the worst
thing that happens in your
life, you're going to live a pretty good life. that's
reality. it's a game. nobody
wants to lose. that's how
you're defined. adversity is
going to come and how you deal
with is is going to define
your charcter. and that
doesn't make it any easier. ))
so now the only local team
left standing for a division
championship....the indiana