in michigan, democrac
lieutenantovernor john cherry
decided against a n for that
state's tojob.
anin colorado, democratic
governor bill ritter pns to
step down.
>> ifill: here to scuss
thfallout from these high-
profe decisions are two
who specialize in politi, writ
large and sml.
amy walter, editor
of "the national journal's
political ily, "hotline".
and chris cilizza,
who reports on politicfor
the "washington post."
amy, different men, differen
states, differenreasons?
>> different reasons
both have
been there a very long time.
wereoth were looking at
competitive races and bothaid
wh, it's time to go out on
i think it's interesting
, too,
en you look at where these
reoning compelatively, in the
dorgan situation youook a seat
that waseally not on the
table-at least not yet coo and
put at basically into what i
would say rit now is a lean
republican column.