i wonder if you have some
thoughts on the michael phelps
he is a world champion, and
everyone likes him, and we all
make mistakes.
and i ask his baggage you
navigate your fame and fortune
so well, and i know that there
are a lot of americans pulling
for you this time around, and we
want to see you succeed again,
but what were your thoughts when
phelps got caught, and when you
become famous overnight with all
of these metals, navigating
this, and this, also happens to
be a swimmer -- he has all of
these medals.
>> i have a son, and i know
that boys will be boys, and i
think he just needed to kind of
grow up, and i think in this day
and age, he has grown up more so
than i did in the public eye,
and i certainly cannot defend
what he was doing, so i think it
is what 20-year-old boys may do.
i do not condone it.