to an actor to be that ugly?
that reprehensible on camera?
>> what's beautiful, we talked
about the film and what the
messages of the film were.
he understood that his part was
to not represent japan because
that character doesn't represent
but to represent the opposition
and the aggression and the anger
and violence that louis would
then rise up against.
he knew that the harder he threw
down against him, the more it
would matter for louis.
he met louis and cared about him
and spent time with him.
so i think he knew -- he took
seriously as a professional this
is his job.
his job was to go to the
ugliest, darkest place he could
find within himself.
he told me --
you can't tell an actor where
they find that.
you tell them what they have to
he told me he thought about if
someone tried to kill his
and it's why he was -- he had --
i think it was so painful for