associated with the wood family.
the wood family of staffordshire.
of staffordshire, yes.
rafe wood, enoch wood.
famous family of potters.
those are just the sort of jugs that
were very keen to get their hands
on in the late 19th century
when there was this great wave of
china mania
and for that reason, the staffordshire
at that time, started producing
very good copies of things that then
were 100 years old or so.
the earliest one i saw that looked
like this one
was 1785.
right. but in view of what i've said
about these being essentially copied
in the late 19th century
are you sure?
no, no.
now, i'm going to look at it in detail.
let's look at this fella.
he's... beautifully modeled face.
he's got a wart on the cheek.
he's got a gap in his teeth.
he's holding a foaming jug.
and then, he's sitting on this barrel.
actually, look at the shirt
with those buttons and the creases.